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Notice of Councillor Casual Vacancy

1. PUBLIC NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN pursuant to Section 87(2) of the Local Government Act 1972, that further to the resignation of Cllr David Butler a casual vacancy has occurred in the office of Councillor for Stratfield Mortimer Parish Council.

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Burghfield & Mortimer Neighbourhood Action Group Meeting - 7 May 2024

The next general meeting of the BMNAG will be held on Tuesday 7 May at 19:30 in the Burghfield Village Hall



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Village Custodian Job Opportunity


Do You Have Many Practical Skills & Love Working Outdoors?

At least 10 hours Per Week Free?

If so, this role may well be of interest to you.

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Meet you Parish councillors

Would you like to meet your Parish Councillors? Do you have a question about your local community or services? Do you have an idea that would make Mortimer a more pleasant place to live? 
If so, there will be Councillors you can speak to on these and other topics at Mortimer Bistro on Saturday 4th May between 10am and 11am, and Tuesday 7th May at the Horse and Groom between 7pm and 8pm.
We'd love to hear from you!
Look out for our Parish Council banner

Future sessions:-

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Free CPR and Defibrillator demonstrations

After a recent post on Facebook our local ambulance Community First responders Tom and Emma invite you to free CPR and Defibrillator demonstrations. An opportunity to learn more and understand how Public access defibrillators are accessed in an emergency. This is an informal session.  Please come and join Tom and Emma and they can answer any questions you may have and show you the skills that one day could save a life. 

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