CIL Project Details

Pavement down The Street

Minor changes to the verges, pavement and roadway to ensure a 1.5m wide pavement is available from the War Memorial to St. Mary’s School.

This will widen the pavement where it is too narrow at present and give a safer route to school for pupils and parents.

SMPC owning the Library

SMPC taking on the leasehold ownership & running of the Library building, setting up a trust to do so.

This will enable changes to be made to the Library such as enlarging it and allowing it to be used for a wider range of events.

Electric vehicle (EV) charging points

Provision of two EV charging points in both the Community Centre carpark and the St. John’s church car park. Ascertaining demand for roadside EV charging points near properties with no off-street parking.

With climate change a major issue, this could be the start of a programme of initiatives to help Mortimer become carbon neutral, promoting EV adoption and serving residents and visitors, and benefitting the environment.

Footpath to Burghfield

Provision of a footpath/cycleway between Mortimer and Burghfield (east side of Burghfield Road from College Piece corner to roundabout with Padworth Road). This is subject to agreement by several landowners.

Since WBC removed the free school bus there has been no free way for pupils to travel to and from Willink without using the paths through the woods or using the main road. This would allow walking and cycling along a relatively safe route.

Extending Use of the Tennis Courts

A feasibility study into: firstly, the provision of floodlights on the Fairground to allow the tennis courts to be used during the evenings throughout the year; secondly, to consider if it would be feasible to alter the tennis courts to allow other sports to be played on the hard surface.

This proposal is just for a feasibility study for both the provision of floodlights and any other alterations to the tennis courts to allow other sports to be played on the hard surface as well as tennis. As such the feasibility study would be in two parts and the conclusions on the two parts would be independent of each other.

Permanent Cricket Nets

A permanent compound to hold cricket nets for cricket practise.

Mortimer Cricket Club wish to erect a secure compound 32m x 4m with a wicket practice ground surface and nets alongside the northern side of the tennis courts to hold and protect its cricket nets and provide an enhanced facility for coaching, training and warm up. The Cricket Club would find other funds to provide the surface and nets and this project is only for the fencing and costs involved with the installation of it.

Public Toilet on the Fairground

A feasibility study into the provision of a public toilet on the Fairground.

There have been frequent requests to provide a public toilet on the Fairground. There are various options for this and the issues as to what type, which site and the technicalities of the required services have proved difficult for the Council to work out, although it seems likely that no solution will cost less than £50,000. This project proposes a professional feasibility study to provide the necessary information for an informed decision. It should be noted that the annual cost of maintenance and cleaning of the toilets is likely to be quite substantial compared to other projects; perhaps up to £10 per annum per Band D property.

Fitness Equipment on the Fairground

The provision of adult fitness equipment on the Fairground.

A group of outdoor exercise machines would provide a free gym area for all and could be used by fitness training classes as well as individuals.