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Art Competition deadline extended

It seems that most of our young artists have been very busy with school work and haven’t had time to create any entries for the My Mortimer art competition as we have received incredibly few. As a reminder there are 3 categories: Years F- 2, Years 3- 6 and Years 7-13. The intention is to give a £50 cash prize in each category but also to present other, smaller cash prizes depending on the number of entries received. All the details are in the Spring 2024 Parish Council newsletter on page 8, https://www.stratfield-mortimer.gov.uk/the-council/newsletters
As it is now the start of the Easter holidays and hopefully you will have more time available,  the deadline for submitting an entry is extended till Friday 12th April. That gives all the young people of the village two more weeks to get creative and produce something which illustrates their view of Mortimer. Get drawing and painting and get your entries in to the Parish Office by 12th April!!!
