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West Berkshire’s “Community Life Connected” Map

A new pilot project is being developed in response to community groups who asked West Berkshire Council (WBC) to provide a community mapping tool.

A steering group has been working to create West Berkshire’s “Community Life Connected” Map on the aDoddle platform.  The map connects grassroots community groups with others in West Berkshire, facilitating sharing, learning and helping each other to strengthen our communities.

The map will become publicly available in the next couple of months and will be a platform for existing and new residents to find out what is happening in their community, encourage them to get involved and attract volunteers.

By simply clicking on the ‘Click here to find out about how you can add your group to the map’ button, this link on:  https://wb-communitymap.adoddle.org (opens in new window)will send an email automatically to Rhys Lewis at WBC, who will support every group in getting their profile up and running. Creating an entry is a simple process and there is help available to design a logo and create content, where this would be useful. Groups can link directly to any webpage or Facebook page that they already use.

For more formally structured voluntary and community sector charities, organisations or businesses this would typically be outside of the scope of this pilot and they would be encouraged to complete an entry on the West Berkshire Directory instead.
