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  3. Severe Cold Winter Weather - Level 3 - Alert - Extended To Friday The 27th Of January

Severe Cold Winter Weather - Level 3 - Alert - Extended to Friday the 27th of January

The probability of severe cold weather/icy conditions in the Southeast, including West Berkshire, has been extended from 0900 on Tuesday 24 Jan to Friday 27 Jan.

Make sure that you stay warm. If going outside, make sure you dress appropriately. If indoors, make sure that you keep your heating to the right temperature; heating your home to at least 18°C in winter poses minimal risk to your health when you are wearing suitable clothing. If there is anyone you know who might be at special risk, for example, an older person living on their own, make sure they know what to do to stay warm and are well stocked with food and medications. If you are worried about your health or that of somebody you know, ring NHS 111

More information is available on the winter health pages at:

- NHS Choices https://www.nhs.uk/Live-well/seasonal-health/keep-warm-keep-well/ (opens in new window)

- West Berkshire Council https://www.westberks.gov.uk/stay-well-in-winter (opens in new window)
