Casual Vacancy Notice - Stratfield Mortimer Parish Council
Notice is hereby given that, by the resignation of Cllrs A Marsden and A Noonan, two vacancies have occurred among members of the Parish Council.
Any person willing to fill this vacancy should apply to the Clerk in writing at and request an application form.
To apply, you must be a British, Commonwealth, Republic of Ireland or European Union citizen and must be aged 18 or over.
In addition, you must meet at least one of the following criteria: your name must either appear on the current electoral register for the parish or you should, during the whole of the twelve months preceding the relevant date, have resided in or within 3 miles of the parish, or your principle or only place of work during the whole of the twelve months preceding the relevant date must have been in the parish.
You must also not be debarred from standing as a Councillor.
PUBLIC elections cannot be held until the year 2027 but, for the interim period, election to the aforesaid Council will be voted for by the present sitting number of Councillors at the Full Council meeting.