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  3. Reporting Incidents to the Parish Council

Reporting Incidents to the Parish Council

Should you come across anything suspicious on Parish Council property, such as interference with the gates on The Fairground, damage on the playing fields, cemetery, etc, or other public property in and around the village, please report the issue directly to the Parish Council on 0118 933 1955.  If you are reporting out of office hours, there is an ‘out-of-office service’ on this number and we will pick up your message as soon as possible.

Needless to say, if a crime is in progress you should call 999.  To report a crime after it has taken place either call 101, report it online at www.thamesvalleypolice.uk (opens in new window) or email PangbourneNHPT@thamesvalley.pnn.police.uk (opens in new window)
