Parish Clerk Job vacancy


Job title: Clerk to the Council and Responsible Financial Officer

Salary: between £30,272 and £34,380 (pay award pending) for 30 hours per week depending upon qualifications and experience - equivalent to £37,336 to £42,403 full time

Application deadline: 30 September 2024; Start date: 2 January 2025


With the current Clerk leaving, the Parish Council is seeking to appoint a forward-thinking and proactive replacement to support us.

We have a precept of c£150,000 and a population of around 4,000, and we are looking for someone with the skills to manage the Council’s administration, financial records and budgets, and the ability to understand the legal framework in which we operate.

Excellent communication and IT skills are required to work successfully with the two other members of staff (who you will line manage) - the Assistant to the Clerk (who also works 30 hours per week) and Parish Custodian; our fifteen Councillors; our residents; West Berkshire District Council; our neighbouring Parish Councils; and our contractors and suppliers.

You must be able to demonstrate that you have a track record of achievement, innovation, and commitment to public service. You need to be motivated, community-focused and possess strong organisational skills.

You will be educated to at least A-level standard or equivalent, and must either already hold a CiLCA qualification, or be working towards it (eg having ILCA or FILCA), or demonstrate that you have a commitment to obtaining it (with our support).  A good knowledge of local government organisation and procedures, or the capability to quickly assimilate such, is essential.

This position is for 30 hours per week, with some mandatory evening meeting attendance (for which payment will be made, or time in lieu allowed, to be agreed).


Please contact the Clerk by email (below) or phone (0118 933 1955) for further information and a detailed job description.

Applications in writing, with a CV and the names and contact details of two referees, should be sent to