St Mary's Church Mortimer

Welcome to Stratfield Mortimer Parish Council

Our site is organised to tell you all about the Council, how it runs, what it does and when things are happening. All of this information is available from the main menu. However, if you can't find what you need please use the search function or review the Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs).

Important Announcements

Free CPR and Defibrillator demonstrations

After a recent post on Facebook our local ambulance Community First responders Tom and Emma invite you to free CPR and Defibrillator demonstrations. An opportunity to learn more and understand how Public access defibrillators are accessed in an emergency. This is an informal session.  Please come and join Tom and Emma and they can answer any questions you may have and show you the skills that one day could save a life. 
Demonstrations will be held at the Methodist Church sanctuary on the 14th May starting at 1800. 

Read full announcement

Further site visits are planned in the district by West Berkshire Council Environmental Health and Highways staff, amid continuing concerns about sewage and other debris

Further site visits are planned in the district by West Berkshire Council Environmental Health and Highways staff, amid continuing concerns about sewage and other debris.

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Upcoming Meetings

Full Council Meeting 09-05-2024

Meeting information
Date and Time
Location Mortimer Methodist Church

Full meeting information